found poetry…

…is really fun, but doesn’t it imply that someone lost it to begin with? hmmm… 


ok sorry, that was the very strange segue to the reason for this post–Doug found a Legitimate Dangers book on the ground beneath a chair opposite the chalk board after class today. If it’s yours, just let me know and we can get it back to it’s rightful owner. Also, there was a nalgene w/ some dark red/pink/grape? liquid in it by one of the sofa chairs–Doug has that, so if you’re missing some grape juice just let him know. if you’re missing a nalgene, you can talk to him as well. 


and since I’m up here, thanks for a fantastic, dynamic journey this semester! I hope we all run into each other soon, and can keep up our writing! best of luck with finals 🙂 

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